Week 7 update

 There is much excitement in Room 26 with a Solar System jigsaw puzzle underway. At different times of the day, a few extra pieces are added, but with 500 pieces to sort through, it may take a bit longer before we can show the finished picture.  Great way of helping us visualise the planets in the Solar System that we have been finding out about.

Maths has also been very hands on.  We are using centimetre cubes, 10 centimetre cube strips and 100 centimetre cube blocks to fill container spaces.  This is really helping us see what the capacity of containers are.  Our challenge for the end of the week was to see how big a 1 meter cube was - we're still working on the idea of this to work out the capacity of our class.  Getting the floor surface is slightly easier, but having to work out the height of our class is something else.



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