Fabulous First Week

 Welcome to Room 17's blog. 

We have had a fantastic first week back at school: learning about each other, talking about our New Windsor Way values, beginning to create colourful artwork for our room and working on our resilience.




We played non-stop tag and talked about how we need to show resilience when we play games together.

Talking about the 3 Cs and 3 Rs (Confident, Collaborative, Creative, Responsible, Respectful and Resilience) we also brainstormed how we already show and use them in class and around the school.

We are also really enjoying the sun that pours into our classroom and the air conditioner that keeps us cool on these hot days.  Ms Harland also told us we have her favourite room in the school, as we have the best view.


  1. Looks like a brilliant week. Luke also mentioned how much he enjoys learning in his class. Great job Room 17 - Keep it up!


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