Goal setting interview nights

FAMILY GOAL SETTING CONFERENCES RESCHEDULED TO WEDNESDAY 31 MARCH - THURSDAY 1 APRIL This is a wonderful chance to meet with your child/ren’s teachers, to share some information and set some learning goals for the first 6 months of the year. Your child has already come home with a “goal setting” form, which is to be brought to the meeting. To book a conference time with your child/ren’s teacher please log onto www.schoolinterviews.co.nz then enter the school code of waehr. Follow the steps and select the appropriate time with each teacher you want to meet. Remember to leave a gap between conferences if you are booking times with more than one teacher. If you do not have access to a computer with internet at work, home or through a relative or friend, we will make the schools Library available before school between 8:30am and 8:55am for you to make your conference booking. If you have any questions or need help with this service please phone the school office between 10:00am and 2:30pm on 628 8001. If there is no internet access available to your family please complete the slip and return to school as soon as possible (this slip was sent home with your child yesterday). EARLY FINISH ON WEDNESDAY 31 MARCH - THURSDAY 1 APRIL School will be finishing at 12.30 pm on Wednesday 31 March - Thursday 1 April. Because there will be limited staff available for supervision, the school’s request is for all children to be collected at 12.30 pm. There will be supervision until 3:00pm for those students who do not have an adult waiting at home. If you require supervision, please let the school know through the note that was sent home or contact office@newwindsor.school.nz or (09) 628 8001.


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